The folks at Rooster Teeth have announced that Halo 4 will be playable to the open public for the first time ever at the upcoming RTX convention. RTX is set to take place on July 7 and 8 at the Austin, TX convention center. Participating players will have a chance to play with play competitively against the cast and crew of Rooster Teeth.
The game was previously available to a closed public at E3 2012.
Halo 4 marks the return of Master Chief and the series is also the platform for Rooster Teeth's popular series, Red vs Blue, which made its debut in 2003 on the original Halo titles.
If you're interested in playing Halo 4, you can pick up a ticket for RTX at a discounted price. Tickets will be available until June 22, so don't dawdle.
In addition to the playable version of Halo 4, Freddie Wong will be headlining the event as a keynote speaker at RTX.