If you signed up for the Diablo III Open Beta weekend in April, you might've set yourself up with an ugly battletag in your rush to get the game installed. To free you from an awful BattleTag, Blizzard has announced a one-time amnesty that allows you to reset your account's BattleTag with a newer, shinier one.
If you're unhappy with your current BattleTag, just hop on over to your account page here.
During the Diablo III Open Beta Weekend in April, a number of players opted to use their one free BattleTag nickname change in order to try to participate in the beta test. We recognize that in their excitement to try to get into the game, some players did not fully realize how BattleTags would integrate with Diablo III or that the number of free changes was limited, and they ended up choosing nicknames that they weren’t happy with. To help address these concerns, we’ve done a one-time refresh of the free BattleTag name change feature on all Battle.net accounts, so that everyone once again has one free BattleTag name change to use at their discretion.
This means that if you already used your original free change, you will now have another opportunity to change your BattleTag nickname. If you did not use your free BattleTag name change or have not yet created a BattleTag, you will still only be able to change your BattleTag once for free.
To set or change your BattleTag nickname, log in to Battle.net Account Management, head to the Account > Summary page, and look for the Create or Change option under Account Details. As a reminder, BattleTags aren’t unique, so you can pick any name you like as long as it adheres to the BattleTag Naming Policy. For more information, see the BattleTag FAQ and Battle.net website page.
Remember, your BattleTag serves as your public identity when playing Diablo III, meaning you’ll be identified in groups and in chat by your BattleTag — choose your BattleTag wisely!
Just remember that you can pick whatever name you choose, as a unique numeric identifier will be added to the back automatically.