A few weeks back we heard about quite a lot of DLC coming to Final Fantasy XIII-2. One was the Lightning episode which was going to feature Caius, no other news has been released about that one. The second piece of DLC is the Snow episode, featuring Snow and the all powerful new character Valfodr.
Finall we have the outfits, all different DLC packages of their own. Serah will be getting a white mage outfit while Noel will be getting the attire of a black mage. Also Mog will be getting 16 costumes. He’s very fashion friendly.
You can check out the prices below. All of this DLC will be out on May 15th in Japan, no release date for North America or anywhere else yet.
Lightning: 400 MSP Snow: 320 MSP Serah White Mage: 240 MSP Noel Black Mage: 240 MSP Mog Costume Set: 240 MSP
Source: Push Start Media