You guys and gals have passions right? You may be a Kingdom Hearts fan, a My Little Pony fan, or even a Mario fan. You’ve collected stuff and made a little shrine or whatever on your desk or closet. You’re not at the point of crazy obsession but then again this isn’t just a passing fad. Well, for user scrambles, Diablo III is something he seems to take seriously. Scrambles has set up his desk in a Gothic-esque Diablo III theme to prepare for the release of the game.
While some may call this obsession gone wild, it’s really just a guy with some free time on his hands showing his love for a franchise. I personally would not clutter my desk with all of that…my desk is cluttered enough what with school papers, my 3DS, and miscellaneous other things. Hypothetically if I did have a clean desk I might not go so far as to decorate it like this…unless maybe I could some how make it work practically. Where I could work on homework and enjoy a Morrowind or Skyrim theme. Anyways, take a look at some more pictures of this interesting desk set up below.