Pokemon, I love you so much. Samurai, I love you so much too. It only makes sense to combine them both into one game right? Ok, maybe not but those crazy guys at Nintendo did it anyways and it’s on it’s way stateside!
Pokemon Conquest is a strategy game combining Japanese warlords and Pokemon. Everyone was a little shocked to see it coming stateside. The game comes out June 18th and new details were announced just today
Pokemon Conquest will feature 17 different kingdoms throughout the campaign. As you progress through the game and defeat different warlords you will recruit them and their Pokemon into your army to help you defeat more challenging opponents and use different strategies.
In each kingdom you will encounter a different type of elemental theme. You will have to use these elements against your enemy. For example, when in a fire type kingdom, you will want to focus your army around water type Pokemon. In addition to battling in the kingdoms, you will also come across training grounds, mines and shops.
Lastly, you will be able to register an army and use it to fight your friends over local wireless play. I seriously can’t wait for this game! I do wish you could battle over wifi or that there was some sort of trading mechanic but oh well. Summer 2012, is looking pretty fantastic for gamers!