The trend of digital distribution has been growing for a few years now, namely since the eve of seventh-generation consoles. The next generation is nearly at our fingertips, and with it comes new ideas.
In a question and answer session conducted by Nintendo, Satoru Iwata answered the public’s questions concerning the company’s future – mainly concerning the digital distribution side of their business.
In essence, Iwata’s perspective differs quite a bit from others. He believes that digitally-distributed games hold the same value as their retail counterparts.
“We do not hold such a premise that digitally distributed software has less value,” said Iwata. “Different people value different things. If we said, this is the only proposal we will make so you have to take it, it would be a problem as there would be no options for the consumers to choose from. On the contrary, what I explained today is that we are proposing the two formats of sales mechanisms from which our consumers can make their own choices.”
Iwata then went on to clarify his thoughts, noting that he is well-aware of the industry's various and differing opinions.
“Some publishers believe that the digital versions should be cheaper while others insist that both versions must be set at exactly the same price,” he said.
It will be interesting to see what Nintendo does over the coming months, as well as throughout the Wii-U’s lifespan.
E3 should be a fireworks show for Nintendo this year. If it isn’t, then they have obviously done something wrong.
Via VG247