Square Enix will be sucking more money from your bank account soon. Not only will the Snow and Valfodr DLC be coming out but new costumes and a Lightning vs. Caius DLC as well.
The Lightning vs. Caius DLC is pretty obvious in my opinion. I’m guessing you’ll be able to gain Caius as a tameable monster…one would hope anyways. It wouldn’t make sense to have Lightning again as a tameable monster unless it’s in her new knight-esque form and you get a much more powerful Lightning than the one from the Lightning and Amador DLC.
As for the costumes they will include a White Mage outfit for Serah and a Black Mage outfit for Noel. You’ll also be able to get sixteen outfits for Mog. SIXTEEN. Be ready to start throwing money at Square Enix. I really think they should put like 10 outfits per DLC and then charge like 5 bucks for it. Square Enix is really taking this DLC stuff out of hand. I mean really, charging around five dollars a pop for just two outfits when the game itself cost sixty dollars. That’s like saying that the two outfits are about 10% of the game. They’re not.
No news on when this DLC will be coming out yet.
Source: Just Push Start