When Electronic Arts was dubbed "Worst Company of the Year" by The Consumerist, it was apparent they did not care. Their public relations response was nil, and they were actually so blatantly ignoring of the 'award', our friends over at TheVerge had to approach them for comment.
"We're going to continue making award-winning games and services played by more than 300 million people worldwide," said John Reseburg, EA's senior director of corporate communications. He also pointed out that, "We're sure that bank presidents, oil, tobacco and weapons companies are all relieved they weren't on the list this year."
Reseburg also went on to discuss EA's relationship with its customers, noting that they own, "connection[s] with consumers in more meaningful ways [than other companies]."
So, essentially, Reseburg has no care for what you or anyone else has to say about EA. He is going to throw more awesome games at you, and guess what? You are going to buy them, regardless of how much you think EA has…extorted you.
EA over Bank of America – still blows my mind.