In 2013, Australians will have the option to buy 18+ games from their local stores but, for now, the old laws are still in place and there are still titles you will be unable to buy for the time being. The latest title to fall victim to the old law is Mortal Kombat Vita, unsurprising considering the amount of blood and gore in the game.
Despite being modified for Aussie audiences, the game has still be refused classification, a point that will likely annoy people who were waiting for a chance to play for the first time on their handheld. Those who really want to play always have the option to import (the Vita is region free), but that is technically against the law and, obviously, you won't be able to trade it in.
Whether all these banned games will be put through classification again in 2013 is yet to be seen, but with that much blood, violence and sex being put onto the market at once, expect people to feel the ban was probably justified.