When it comes to video games that have large rosters, regardless of the genre that the game is in, one of the most important elements for the game developer and publisher is to ensure that the game is “as balanced as possible.” After all, if there is one or two characters that are “so OP it hurts,” then players will either gravitate to those characters so that they always win, or they’ll stop playing certain matches because they don’t want to face those characters. Since its inception, Marvel Rivals has done its best to keep things balanced, but players aren’t so sure that it’s as balanced as it could be.
Over on Reddit, a popular thread is gaining steam where players are listing their most annoying characters to play against. Some of you might be able to guess one or two of them, but can you guess their “Four Horsemen” that makes their gaming experience hell? Oh, and we said “Hell,” not Hela, that’s a totally different thing to talk about.
According to this thread, which has nearly four thousand upvotes, Spider-Man, Squirrel Girl, Wolverine, and Storm are the most annoying players to go up against. So, why do they hate them so much? It depends on the character and how they play.
For example, Wolverine is known as such an “intimidating tank” that some players recall other teams swapping out certain characters just so that they could go up against him. That’s not usually how things work for a single character.
As for Squirrel Girl, she has the ability to get her ultimate attack quicker than most other characters, which can be a game-changer in the heat of battle, especially if you’re able to spam it.
Spider-Man is mainly hated because of his mobility and how his techniques can get to you before you can attempt to counter him. Storm, meanwhile, is apparently a bit of a debate about whether she’s overhated or overrated in Marvel Rivals. If you have the right characters, you’re apparently able to counter her pretty well. Then again, if you don’t know that, you’ll be dealing with her weather powers quite a bit.
Naturally, there are other characters that people feel should be on this list, including The Winter Soldier and The Thing, but the fact that so many feel that at least three of these four are “broken” shows that NetEase has some work to do.
It also shows that Jeff The Shark has been nerfed enough to not be incredibly annoying like he was at the game’s launch.