With the April 2nd Nintendo Switch 2 Direct drawing ever closer, many are starting to wonder what will be in the presentation itself. Everyone expects Nintendo to take a lot of swings and drop big reveal after big reveal to help ensure people are excited about the upcoming console. Key among that philosophy is bringing in key 3rd party developers to show that the Switch 2 “has the juice” to get some of those companies’ key titles. One of the main publishers that many expect to see is Square Enix, and not exactly for the reasons you might expect.
Insider Stealth posted a unique note on Twitter that Square Enix hasn’t revealed a new game since June 2024! That’s quite a long time, especially given that the publisher works with both Sony and Microsoft and hasn’t shown anything meaningful at their events since then, nor on its own personal streams!
So, could that mean Square Enix will have numerous titles to reveal on the Switch 2 Direct?
It’s entirely possible, and certain rumors and reports help back up that theory. First off, many expect the Final Fantasy VII Remake Saga to come to the Switch 2, with some of its own team members teasing that this could indeed happen this year, at least in part.
Another franchise that could show up quite a bit is Dragon Quest. The remake of the 3rd entry was a massive hit, especially in Japan, and most of the units sold were on the Nintendo Switch, far outpacing what the remake sold on PS5. Two other remakes are coming, and both are likely to be shown off at the Direct. Plus, let’s not forget that the 12th mainline entry in the franchise is still in development, and if the Switch 2 can handle it, it’ll definitely get a version.
There’s another key reason why Square will likely try to put as many titles as possible on the Nintendo Switch 2, and that’s because 2023 and 2024 were NOT good years for the company. It had massive layoffs, restructuring, and more. To that end, the company is almost desperate to get as many units sold across its franchises on as many consoles as possible. With the Switch 2 being the “most hyped system” in a long time, it would behoove them to make quality games for the console and hope they sell well.
April 2nd isn’t too far away, and we’ll have our answers then.