If you play videogames, it's fair to assume you might dabble in the occasional board game as well. It's also fair to assume that you can brand just about anything with a favorite game franchise and watch sales numbers soar. In the spirit of giving gamers even more stuff we want to spend money on comes Monopoly: Street Fighter Special Edition, the latest monopoly game from USAopoly.
According to the official information, you can expect to "Buy, sell and trade locations associated with the most iconic characters over 25 years such as Makoto in the Karate Dojo, Ryu on the Rooftops of Japan and Major Bison in the Shadaloo Headquarters." Yeah, that sounds like Monopoly, all right.
While there isn't a ton of information about it yet, you can head over to Capcom Unity Blog and vote for which six characters will become the game pieces. If you have a favorite Street Fighter character, you'll want to head over and cast your vote!
And might I suggest the Railroads be replaces with Special Moves? I'd love to get paid $50 when someone landed on my Sonic Boom because I already owned Hadouken as well. What Street Fighter things would you like to see on the board? And are you interested in a Street Fighter version of Monopoly at all? Hit the comments and let us know!