There is so much hype built around Grand Theft Auto VI. So many players worldwide eagerly awaited the game, and the wait should be over this year. Despite only one trailer available, fans are yearning to learn anything possible. This includes looking back at former developers who had a hand in making some of Rockstar Games’ big hits. One was recently interviewed and talked about what they feel is possible regarding GTA 6 FPS.
The name Mike York might easily be recognizable if you’re seeking any details available for GTA. This former developer has been online sharing about his time at Rockstar Games. Of course, they are just as eager to try out GTA 6 as the rest of us. But who better to pick their brain when it comes to expectations of the next Grand Theft Auto game than a guy who helped make GTA 5 come to fruition?
Mike York was featured on Kiwi Talkz on YouTube, where he was asked about his thoughts on the upcoming game’s FPS aspect. Now, Mike isn’t privy to the inner workings of Rockstar Games. They have since left the company, but during their time there, he was an animator for Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption 2.
The former Rockstar Games animator states that GTA 6 won’t likely hit 60 FPS. That’s especially true for consoles, as he believes Rockstar Games will lock it at 30 FPS. They are even unsure if 60 FPS would be possible on something like the PlayStation 5 Pro unless Rockstar Games uses some kind of AI aspect to help boost the FPS.
That might change with PCs down the road when more optimization and better GPUs are released. But even then, that’s looking down the road a few years. So, we’ll have to wait and see if that is something players can pull off.
Meanwhile, we’re waiting for the game to be released. As mentioned, there has only been one trailer so far. Mike noted that right now, developers might still have a few things in the works that are new to the game. But overall, the focus is still likely bug fixing at this point. What makes it hard for developers is the unpredictability of what players might do. With a game like GTA, there’s no telling what some players might pull off, resulting in a flood of new bugs.
In other recent news related to the next Grand Theft Auto game, actor Steven Ogg expressed interest in Trevor making a cameo. However, there’s only one reason he would like to see Trevor come back into the game series. You can find out what Steven would plan up for the iconic Grand Theft Auto V character right here.