Amazon Prime Subscribers have the option to claim free games every month. These games are released slowly over the course of each month. But players have already got two free games to claim this January. That’s as Amazon gears up for the new year.
As shared by the folks over at GameRant. Two free games have already been uploaded to Amazon Prime’s gaming storefront. These games are Eastern Exorcist and The Bridge. Both games will be available until March 5th.
Eastern Exorcist is a fast 2D side-scrolling RPG that is set in a fantastical eastern world overrun with monsters and spirits. Players take on the role of the Exorcist battling the ever-encroaching monsters. The game draws from traditional Chinese Ink paintings and is filled with beautiful hand-drawn scenes.
The Bridge is an award-winning Indie title. It’s quite a contrast to Eastern Exorcist in that it’s a puzzle-solving game based on the concept of twisting perception. It too is hand-drawn, although this time in the style of a black and white lithograph. Imagine M.C. Escher’s famous picture – “Ascending and Descending”. Players can explore similar landscapes while manipulating physics to solve puzzles set in those spaces.
That’s two contrasting games from Amazon Prime this month and who knows maybe more hand-drawn games are in line for the coming month. If you would like to read up on some of the other offerings that Amazon has made available in the past then click here.