Three days ago rumours broke from SamusHunter on Twitter and Reddit that a big announcement was coming from Nintendo. The announcement was supposedly in relation to Donkey Kong and Zelda. However, Samus Hunter had to stipulate that their obscure Tweet was in fact more of a riddle than a direct reference to what was being announced. The original and subsequent tweets are below.
As you can see, it’s a tad obscure. However, after three days, Nintendo announced on Twitter that there would be a Super Nintendo Direct later today regarding Super Nintendo World in Japan. We know that it will be regarding Donkey Kong Country. But It could be anything from a limited-time event, a unique ride, or something a little more wacky. Nintendo’s announcement tweet is below:
There had been speculation on Reddit that a new area of the park might be opening. But that was only speculation. I’m sure there are disappointed fans who were hoping the rumours might allude to gaming announcements or the release date of the Switch 2. But it seems that those sorts of updates are still a long way off. Never mind the Hollow Knight announcements that fans keep hoping Nintendo might bring to us. This is probably why Nintendo specified that no games were going to be announced in this Super Nintendo Direct.
If you are looking for some information on The Nintendo Switch 2 click here. Curious about the Super Nintendo World and what it has to offer click here. If you’re ready to watch the Direct then click here.