There’s almost always a moment of worry or concern when you’re about to drop a new gaming title in the world. It doesn’t matter if it’s on mobile, console, or PC; if you’re about to release a game that you’ve worked really hard on for a long time, and you want it to do well but aren’t 100% sure it will do well… you’ll be nervous at launch. There’s a payoff to this, though. Specifically, if your title is able to do big numbers right out of the gate, like with Pokemon TCG Pocket, you can watch with glee to see just how big the game will get after a longer stretch of title.
The latest mobile title from The Pokemon Company already had a huge launch within 48 hours, as the TCG’s official Twitter handle noted that the game had already been downloaded 10 million times in just two days.
That alone would be worthy enough of praise. However, it doesn’t end there. As MobileGamer.biz noted, within the first four days of the title’s release, the game has grossed over $12 million revenue-wise. So, basically, people are spending about $3 million on the mobile game every day. If it was able to keep up that kind of revenue stream, it’d be over $100 million in revenue by the end of the month.
Do you know how many mobile titles would love to have that kind of success rate right off the bat? A lot!
Further data from the site also sheds more light on the spending situation. For example, it’s likely unsurprising to hear that Japan is the biggest spender on Pokemon TCG Pocket. In fact, they make up 45% of the revenue that’s been made so far, with the United States coming in 2ndat just 25%. That’s a big drop, but it’s important to remember that Japan basically lives off mobile titles like this nowadays; that’s why the sales for console titles aren’t anywhere close to what you see in the US and UK outside of certain massive games that the Japanese gaming community can’t help but support.
The question for this title is whether it can sustain this success. No one is expecting it to match the success of a certain other mobile title by The Pokemon Company, but that is the bar that all of these titles are measured against in some capacity.
No matter what, The Pokemon Company is likely thrilled that TCG fans are jumping into the game and hoping that trend continues.