If you’ve been lucky enough to see Avatar The Last Airbender in its original animated form, then you’ve seen one of the greatest pieces of animation in history. Seriously, most agree that the show starring Avatar Aang and his friends saving the world from the Fire Nation is one of the best pieces of animation ever produced. The irony of that is the show’s follow-ups and supporting material have been a bit of a mixed bag. For example, it has had incredible comics by Dark Horse and others that flesh out certain stories, and the sequel series starring Korra is generally beloved by the fanbase. As for the Netflix live-action series or the M. Night Shyamalan takes…yeah, those are divisive. However, in the video game space, it’s a different story.
You see, there have been games set in the universe of Avatar The Last Airbender and with Korra, but they’ve not exactly been fun or sold well. One was even made by Platinum Games, but it wasn’t well received. However, hope might be on the horizon, as IGN revealed today that Paramount Game Studios and Saber Interactive are teaming up to make a new game set in the universe that will be AAA in scale.
But, who will it feature? According to the teams, it’ll be set thousands of years before the original series and focus on an “all-new, never-before-seen Avatar.” Many would see that as a risk, and rightfully so. However, the Saber Interactive team is confident they can pull this off:
“At Saber, we are all truly fans of the IP we work with,” noted Josh Austin, Head of IP Development & Licensing at Saber Interactive. “Our team members are some of the most devoted, passionate creatives out there and it’s an honor to join forces with Avatar Studios and Paramount Games to further expand the Avatar Legends universe in video games.”
One has to admit that of the “teams available,” Saber Interactive is a good choice simply because it knows how to deliver fun stories in an established universe, as proven by its tales of Space Marines, while also delivering impactful action.
Of the teases for the upcoming title, the teams promised that this new Avatar will go on a journey to save the world, master the elements, and meet allies and enemies along the way that will make it feel like it’s a true part of the universe.
If it works, it’ll be a great win for the series. If not, well, at least we’ve been here before.