It’s about to be a busy week in gaming releases-wise, as multiple big AAA titles are about to drop, and one of them dropped today via Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster from Capcom. The company decided to “remake” their all-time classic title a bit of a makeover by improving the graphics, audio, and more via modern systems and actors. What you get is a title that allegedly plays like the original game but looks like it belongs on a next-gen console. So far, critics feel the game is a worthy remaster, and a launch trailer has arrived to let you know exactly what it is you’re in for.
As you’ll see below, you find yourself in a small town as freelance journalist Frank West. Something has gone wrong in this town, and the government quarantined the entire place as a result, which is why it’s gotten Frank’s attention. However, no sooner does he get into the local mall than he finds himself surrounded by zombies on all sides! That’s not exactly what he had in mind when he came into this place.
The good news is that there are other people trapped in this mall and town with him. The bad news is that they’re not all good people, and some of them have completely lost their minds with everything that’s going on around them. With three days until Frank’s escape plan kicks in, he’ll have to do whatever it takes to get to the truth and then find a way to get out alive! Or, as the trailer notes, “Survive at all costs!” Think you can handle that challenge?
One of the potential big criticisms of the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster is that many fear certain content is getting changed or censored despite it being a “key part” of what made the original title so special. Some also aren’t happy that they changed the voice actor for Frank West. That being said, we do know that Capcom is adding certain content to the title, including a suit based on Megaman, and other small additions are being made to help refine the game’s look and gameplay.
What also will be interesting to see is what Capcom will do if the remaster is successful. We say that because while the first game in the series was a success, its follow-ups weren’t as grand. This may have been a true “lightning in a bottle” title, and that’s why Capcom is trying to “recapture the magic” again.