Tiny Wonder Studio has announced a new Kickstarter project for a spiritual successor to the Chibi-Robo series. Dubbed koROBO, the game is said to be a “new robot action-adventure game,” and former key developers on Chibi-Robo from Skip Ltd will be working on the title.
“Our goal is to create a game that everyone can enjoy, so koROBO is intended to be a cosy and comfy game that we hope everyone will fall in love with,” said director Kenichi Nishi. “The core of koROBO is all about bringing people together and working towards a better tomorrow and this campaign, combined with your support, is a wonderful opportunity to bring fans of video games together – something that would make our tiny hero proud! The future is a dream we all share! Let’s make it a reality together.”
Nishi was a former co-founder of Skip Ltd and the co-director of the original Chibi-Robo game. Additional team members include Hiroshi Moriyama, the other co-director of Chibi-Robo; Keita Eto, the co-director of Chibi-Robo Zip Lash; Hikarin, a character designer on Chibi-Robo; and Hirofumi Taniguchi, the composer for Chibi-Robo.
Players will control koROBO to perform tasks, though his battery is limited. The character has a solar battery attached to their back, allowing players to recharge by finding sunlight as they explore. Additionally, they will be able to attachments and upgrades throughout the game, eventually opening up the ability to travel through time and fly.
The Kickstarter has not yet launched, but it’s almost certain to meet its goal and beyond.