While not everyone is vibing with what’s going on with Multiversuslately, just look at what they did just to try and get bread in the game; you can’t deny that they’ve been fleshing out the roster quite a bit since they went “live for real.” First, they broke out The Joker, complete with epic voiceover from Mark Hamill. Then, they brought in Jason Voorhees to make things truly spooky. Now, they’ve unleashed one of the greatest villains in cinematic history, the terror that is Agent Smith of The Matrix. If you thought the ”sound of inevitability” was loud before, it will be even louder now.
As you can see in the rather cool-looking cinematic trailer below, Agent Smith gets the full Matrix treatment as they showcase the signature green code of the virtual world mixed with a nice narration that details why Agent Smith is a superior fighter to everyone in the game. As a “Bruiser,” Agent Smith will use his gun and special programming moves to take out foes and dodge attacks. Yes, he will use the special bullet-time dodge that he and his rival Neo used in the movies to great effect. However, he’s more than capable of taking down people without such moves.
As he says in the trailer, “We play the hands we’re dealt, mine is just…better.”
Many were surprised when Agent Smith was unveiled for Multiversus, as many felt Neo would be a better fit for the game. However, bringing the digital entity into this space not only adds more to the villain side of the roster but showcases how the “standard choices” aren’t the ones you’ll always get in the game. After all, we got Banana Guard in the game, and no one saw that coming!
The good news is that if you’re hoping for a more heroic character to come to the game, you might not have to wait long. A recent update seems to indicate that Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings might be entering the foray after a bit, and that would certainly bring some good-natured magic to the mix. Plus, it’s been a while since a superhero character was added, so that might be what we get next from the team at Player First Games.
In the meantime, you can enjoy the villainous trio that has been unleashed upon the world, and do your best to prove, or dispel, that feeling of inevitability. Good luck with htat.