The Kingdom Hearts franchise has been one of the most unique collaborations of all time. The idea of blending the beloved Disney worlds from movies past with Square Enix characters, blending them in an RPG storyline featuring lots of high concepts, and thinking everyone would be on board from the get-go was a bold move. Yet, it’s one that worked, and while the series has gotten VERY convoluted over the years, it’s still going, and it’s still selling. But now, you have the chance to get EVERY major game within the series in one convenient place; that’s because you can find them all right now on Steam.
Yes, after hoping this would happen for a long time, the ten main Kingdom Hearts games are available now on Steam. You have options on how you can get them, too. You can get the three individual bundles that have been released in the past, or you can get the bundle version that collects all ten games into one convenient download package. We hope you have some memory stored up, just saying.
The best part about all of this isn’t just the convenience of it all, but simply that the games are being discounted by a large margin. We’re talking about the individual AND complete series bundle being 31% off! This will only happen for a few weeks, though, so you don’t want to miss out on it.
For those of you who aren’t sure what makes these bundles so special, they tell the entire main story of Sora, Riku, and the other Keyblade wielders up until the last main game. Furthermore, many of the titles, including the ones that were released on the Nintendo handhelds like the GBA, DS, and 3DS, have been upgraded graphically and with proper voice acting so you can experience the full saga as it was meant to be.
As if that wasn’t enough, Hikaru Utada gave a special message about the games and their songs and how they have been updated:
So, as you can see, this release is a big deal, and you’ll want to take part in it if you haven’t already. Plus, it might get you ready for Kingdom Hearts 4, whenever that decides to get released. That’s not just a throwaway line, either, as the game might come out on PC immediately, versus having to wait to get the port treatment. After all Square Enix is making the move to be more multiplatform in the future, so this series could see a longer reach soon enough.