Everyone knows of IKEA, whether it is to get bookshelves to display their collections of funko pops, video games, and books – or to get a really fancy desk for a PC setup. Everyone also knows of Roblox which is a pretty popular mobile game that is now teaming up with IKEA. While at first glance, many might think this is an odd combination, but after the Walmart collaboration, it wasn’t as surprising to see this coming next.
The whole idea is that Roblox will allow IKEA to open up a store within their game. This wll be called the “The Co-Worker Game” and this will be a game that players can actually get paid for playing. However, there will be a limited numbr of paid roles avaliable but applications for these paid roles will officially be open from today until Sunday, June 16.
The virtual store will only be hiring players that are 18+ and have to live within the UK, so sadly it is limited to where not all of us can apply. This job would be completely virtual, so whomever does end up moving up in the application process will do a virtual interview with the applicants that were shortlisted. The game will be a fully remote virtual role which has many of us wondering if this will be a brand new way for shops to run online.
The brand new IKEA game on Roblox will launch on June 24, by a Swedish game company called The Gang. This will definitely be an interesting thing to see how it goes.