Blizzard has revealed they are taking action against Overwatch 2 players using unapproved peripherals on consoles.

Senior game producer Adam Massey and lead gameplay engineer Daniel Razza were on hand to discuss all the little details around this issue and what they intend to do.
They made it clear that they are mindful of players with accessibility needs. They apparently have systems in place to check if players who have accessibility needs will be properly identified, and they should be able to keep playing Overwatch 2.
Blizzard then points out that “some players on console have been using devices that allow them to use a mouse and keyboard while tricking the console into thinking that the inputs are coming from a controller.”
Furthermore, they noted that players using these devices are also using aim assist at the same time. And then they get into the real shocker:
“Based on our data from the past few seasons, usage of unapproved peripherals is highly apparent in high-ranked play, typically at Grand Master or Champion rank being the highest, while usage of unapproved peripherals between Bronze and Platinum ranks was very rare.”
So Blizzard believes many of the most successful, and probably the most popular Overwatch 2 players are cheating in this exact way. It’s clear that they did have to take action here, as high rank players are likely to be making money from that status. Even if they’re not esports players, just streaming at high level play, while not really being that good, sounds like a pretty good operation to get famous and make money, if you had the money to set it up.
So here’s how they’re taking action: When you’re caught for the first time, you don’t get to play Competitive for a week, though you still get Quick Play. If you keep cheating, you will be “restricted” from Competitive, and they’ll take away Aim Assist from you. You will only be able to play Quick Play, and only with other players on mouse and keyboard.
Blizzard also explains that they are talking about adding official mouse and keyboard support for console players. If they implement this, they will only enable Competitive matches with other mouse and keyboard users, and they’ll take away aim assist.
And one last thing. Blizzard will also implement permanent account bans against the “most severe abusers” in using these devices. Blizzard is confident about the system they have in place to catch the players using these devices, but they also know which top players have been doing so, with help from reports from other players.
Blizzard certainly seems confident about the systems they have in place to catch cheaters. When they start implementing these systems, Overwatch community members may be surprised, or not, when it comes to light who these cheaters are. But if this scheme turns out to be a success, Blizzard will have started a lead that other companies will follow.