Some new previews for Dragon’s Dogma 2 confirms that it runs at 30 FPS on console.

The first preview we will look at is from influencer Destin Legarie for IGN. Playing on the PlayStation 5, Destin has this to say:
“While the gameplay was amazing and I can’t wait to get back to play more, there was one concern I’ve seen the community curious about: the uncapped framerate on console. When looking at this it should be noted that I’m playing a version which Capcom clearly states is “still in development, and is not equivalent to the final product.”
But in this build on PlayStation 5, Dragon’s Dogma 2 was averaging around 31 frames per second with dips during heavy moments of action while playing with the PS5 set to output at 4K.
I did not get to test at lower base revolutions or VRR during my time to see if that had a positive impact on performance however, if I had one hope, it would be that Capcom added more options in the framerate department including, at minimum a capped 30 frames per second mode.”
The second preview comes from Jez Corden, who is an influencer himself, but is also co-managing editor over at Windows Central. Jez may have preferred to use Xbox code, but he was also given PlayStation 5 code for the preview. Here’s what Jez had to say:
“For my four-hour session with Dragon’s Dogma 2, I was treated to a near-final build of the game set a few hours into the experience. The game was running on PS5 and was immaculate in its presentation, although some may be disappointed to hear it’s unlocked targeting 30 FPS with no performance mode option — at least at the time of writing.
Perhaps things will change by the final build, but honestly it doesn’t matter. As someone who has been replaying Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen recently (also at 30 FPS), I found myself unbothered by the frame rate.
The PC version will naturally provide the best graphical showcase, but even on the console version, I was utterly awe-struck by the sheer majesty of the digital tapestry rolling out before me.”
Both Destin and Jez came to similar conclusions on their previews. In other parts of their previews, they spoke glowingly about Dragon’s Dogma 2’s presentation, and the limited framerate isn’t an impediment to enjoying the game.
We had previously reported that Dragon’s Dogma 2 was only running on 30 FPS in an earlier preview from IGN Japan. In reaction to the poor reception from fans, the game’s director, Hideaki Itsuno, announced that the game would have an uncapped framerate.
While Destin and Jez can talk about their hopes for better performance, it seems unlikely that uncapping the framerate would lead to a drastic change in the game’s quality and performance. Perhaps Capcom can make this update they hope for in the future, but it doesn’t seem to be a bad game without these changes.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 is releasing on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Windows, on March 22, 2024.