We’ve talked many times about Multiversus over the last several years and for a whole host of reasons. First, we talked about the game because it was yet another “company clash” title where an entity’s prized mascots, in this case those at Warner Bros Discovery, would battle it out in focused 2-v-2 fights. Then, it was discussed because the game had its alpha, then beta, and then said beta kept getting expanded to great levels. That’s where things got weird because that beta then had things like “Founder’s Packs,” Season Passes, and more paid content despite it only being a BETA!
Finally, we talked about it because after milking its players out of a lot of cash, the team at Player First Games straight-up shut down the title so that they could “improve it,” and it’s been pretty much deactivated ever since outside of some training modes. Gamers weren’t happy about that, and they’ve been waiting to see if the title would return.
There have been a few “teases” here and there, but now, on Steam, some dataminers have realized that there has been a potential big update to Multiversus. Specifically, a set of apps of some sort have been uploaded, as you can see via the tweet below:
Apparently, such “updates” also happened during the beta, and as a result, many think this will mark the return of the “Founder’s Packs,” as they had to be removed when the game got shut down during its beta.
It’s all a bit confusing, but it has been made clear recently that Player First Games are doing something with the title, even recently hinting that they were working on Daffy Duck as the newest playable character, though that hasn’t been confirmed.
The real question will be the “state of the game” once it returns because it was functional in its beta form, and gamers enjoyed it. Yes, Player First Games had to adjust certain things, but that’s how betas are meant to work. Furthermore, they were charging people for things within the beta, which felt very egregious to some, even though it turned into a huge money-making thing for Warner Bros Discovery.
Another element to consider here is that WBD isn’t in the best place right now. Another one of their “top-tier titles” didn’t meet sales expectations, and there are reports going around that the company is looking to do another merger or straight-up be bought. So, the future of all games under the brand must be questioned.