As a certain wrestling announcer says every once in a while, “You’ve got to give the people what they want!” And when it comes to the Super Mario Bros Movie, there was one thing that fans wanted more than anything else. That would be the nomination of the song “Peaches” for “Best Song” at the various award shows that were coming. Sure enough, the Golden Globe nominations have been announced, and the song has been nominated for that category! It might seem like a small thing, but it’s honestly a pretty meaningful one for multiple reasons and not just ones that revolve around prestige.
First off, yes, this is a huge deal for Nintendo because the Super Mario Bros Movie is their first “true adaptation” of one of their franchises. No one wants to talk about the original live-action movie from decades past, so we won’t bring it up. And to that end, the movie wasn’t just nominated for “Best Song” but for “Best Animated Picture” and “Cinematic and Box Office Achievement.“ That last one might seem odd, but considering what the animated movie did earlier in the year by not only reaching a billion dollars but becoming one of the highest-grossing animated films of all time, that’s quite an achievement!
Going back to the song bit, though, fans wanted this because traditionally, the Golden Globes and the Oscars will sometimes let the people behind these songs perform on stage. The Oscars specifically does this quite a bit. Fans want to see Jack Black sing this song and see how the crowd reacts to it. Why? Well, if you’re asking that, you haven’t heard the song.
“Peaches” is a love song sung by Bowser during the movie. It reveals his “motivations” for all that he’s doing, as he’s trying to take over everything in “Princess Peach’s Honor,” and he thinks she is “so cool” and uses the song to express how he truly feels. While it starts off as a rather traditional love song, Jack Black then takes it in a rather loud and almost obnoxiously hilarious direction by screaming out “PEACHES!!!!” over and over.
The song took the internet by storm and topped a few charts in the process. There were even kids doing the song at talent shows! So now imagine Jack Black, whom we’re sure would “dress up” for the occasion, singing this at the Golden Globes or the Oscars. It would be hilarious.
Oh, and if Nintendo got an award for the movie, that would be nice for them, too.