After what seems like forever, Bioware has shared a new update for Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, on video and blog form.

It isn’t just vibes, though. Bioware started working on this game all the way back in 2015, and has barely given us updates on the title, much less a tangible release date. With 2023 ending, that means this game has been in development for eight years! But at least there is light at the end of this tunnel.
In the newest trailer, Bioware promises they will fully unveil this title on Summer 2024. While that isn’t a release date yet, it’s a promising sign. The actual unveiling date will presumably have the final release date. More importantly, committing to an unveiling means they have been able to move this game forward to where they can finally show it to us.
The trailer also gives a teaser that is really meant for the hardcore fans, but it’s very meaningful if you knew what it signified. We are shown parts of Thedas’ map that indicate Antiva, Rivain, and Anderfell. These are long known locations that are part of Dragon Age’s lore. They are also settings that have never been used before for the games. In fact, prior Dragon Age games had focused on one setting. This means, Dragon Age: Dreadwolf will have a considerably bigger map than we have seen before.
In a blog post, they gave us more descriptions on how big this world is. In their own words:
“In past games, you only got to see a slice of the world. In Origins, it was Ferelden—a land ravaged by war and darkspawn. In II, it was Kirkwall and its locales—festering with corruption and a dark underworld. And in Inquisition, you ventured across much of Orlais—facing down political intrigue as often as combat.
This time, however, much more of Thedas is yours to see. The desolate, beautiful badlands of the Anderfels with curtains of distant mountainous spires.
The twisting canals and gleaming towers of Antiva, where Crows may lurk in any shadow. The turquoise seas of Rivain with its rushes of greenery and hardy sea-faring people. And of course, there’s more.
We felt this was best for the tale we wanted to tell this time and we hope you enjoy it as much as we have! It’s allowed us to create many more locations than past games, including both some you’ve longed to go to…and some you’ve never heard of before!”
You can watch the latest Dragon Age: Dreadwolf trailer below.