Naughty Dog has shared some details about The Last of Us 2 Remastered’s additional content, and there’s certainly something interesting about them.

As reported by Video Games Chronicle, Naughty Dog has added new descriptions for the new content on their website. This content was not part of the original release on the PlayStation 4, so they would serve as incentive to play this new game, even if the first game wasn’t that old, or even if you hadn’t finished it yet.
This is their description of Lost Levels:
“Lost Levels let you explore early-development versions of three new levels not seen in the original The Last of Us Part II: Sewers, Jackson Party and Boar Hunt. Enjoy hours of new developer commentary about The Last of Us Part II’s development as you experience the game.”
These lost levels sound like pretty much what they are described to be. The addition of commentary may be because this content is going into the game in an unfinished state. While we don’t expect the game screen to suddenly go into wireframes at a certain point, they will probably be at a state where you won’t necessarily feel satisfied finishing them. So Naughty Dog wants us to experience this content, not as additional completed levels, but as a sneak peek behind the scenes. And it is certainly unusual that we are getting such content in this way.
Now here is their description for No Return:
“Survive as long as you can in each run as you choose your path through a series of randomized encounters featuring different foes and memorable locations from throughout The Last of Us Part II, all culminating in tense boss battles.
Unique gameplay modifiers can offer new and unexpected challenges as you fight to succeed – and survive – in a host of different encounter types. Play as a variety of characters including never-before-playable characters like Dina, Jesse, Lev, Tommy and more, each with unique traits to offer different playstyles, and unlock skins for them as you progress to use in the mode.”
Now, we have gotten detailed descriptions of what was planned for The Last Of Us Factions, the unofficial name fans have coined for the still unannounced The Last Of Us multiplayer game. It certainly sounds a lot like elements of No Return could have been used for The Last Of Us Factions, and Naughty Dog made the call to bring them to this mode instead.
If The Last Of Us Factions ever comes out, it will probably feel very different, since it will be releasing much later, and show even more refinement from after this title’s release. But these are probably things fans should look out for when they get to playing No Return.
The Last of Us 2 Remastered will be released exclusively on the PlayStation 5 on January 19, 2024. A PC port has not been announced, but is expected, as a matter of the company’s policy necessitating the creation of PlayStation Studios as a PC publisher.