AEW Fight Forever came out earlier this year after years of teases, and most were pleased with the first attempt at a game by the company. Its focus on gameplay action and having good arcade-style wrestling really resonated with certain fans, and they’re eager to see what comes next from the title. Thankfully, we know at least part of what that will be, as THQ Nordic has dropped new patch notes for the game. Patch 1.07 has fixed many things that gamers had issues with in the title, but also promises some big things are still on the way.
For example, they added several things to the create-a-wrestler menu and the ability to use special kinds of buttons for certain things pertaining to the wrestler DLC. They also made it so the title’s mini-games are now immediately playable and don’t need to be unlocked. Alongside that, they fixed a TON of bugs that players had, which are numerous, so you’ll want to check out the full patch notes to see what all was adjusted.
But in the official statement attached with these patch notes is something interesting:
“With this update, we were fixing numerous issues and are preparing everything for season 2. More information on season 2 will be announced in due time via official channels from THQ Nordic or AEW Games.”
“Season 2” is likely a reference to the Season 2 DLC packs that AEW Fight Forever may get. The first packs had wrestlers like FTR, Keith Lee, and The Bunny, with Hook and Danhausen bringing up the rear. So, with season 2 on the way, even more wrestlers are coming to the game. That was one of the promises of the title early on. They weren’t going to have a game come out every year. They were going to simply keep adding wrestlers from their roster so that they could make the game more robust while slowly adding to the title and continuing to refine things.
As for how AEW is doing right now as a company, they’ve been on quite a tear as of late. Yes, they have had some bumps in recent weeks due to counter-programming and certain weird issues. Still, they have come out strong via their PPV schedule, which has had incredible matches throughout, and they just recently did a main event on free TV that was not only a dream match but was 5-star quality.
Many are sticking with the video game, hoping things will reach that level of quality soon.