The achievements list of Metal Gear Solid from the Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 has leaked.

We’ll go straight to the list. As shared by PowerPyx, the first Metal Gear Solid has 19 trophies on PlayStation 5. These will reflect as the same achievements that we will see on Xbox, Steam, and Nintendo Switch. We’ll share the list below:
MGS Trophy Veteran trophy
Unlock all trophies
Start Mission trophy
Start a New Game
Revolver Ocelot trophy
Defeat Revolver Ocelot
M1 Tank trophy
Defeat M1 Tank
Ninja trophy
Defeat Cyborg Ninja
Psycho Mantis trophy
Defeat Psycho Mantis
Sniper Wolf trophy
Defeat Sniper Wolf
Hind D trophy
Defeat Hind D
Sniper Wolf (second encounter) trophy
Defeat Sniper Wolf again
Start Mission trophy
Start a New Game
Revolver Ocelot trophy
Defeat Revolver Ocelot
M1 Tank trophy
Defeat M1 Tank
Ninja trophy
Defeat Cyborg Ninja
Psycho Mantis trophy
Defeat Psycho Mantis
Sniper Wolf trophy
Defeat Sniper Wolf
Hind D trophy
Defeat Hind D
Sniper Wolf (second encounter) trophy
Defeat Sniper Wolf again
The Spy Who read trophy
Read all of the Briefing Files
Bandana obtained trophy
Obtain Bandana
Stealth Camo obtained trophy
Obtain Stealth Camo
Elite codename trophy
Complete the game with FOX or BIG BOSS rank
VR training expert trophy
Complete all VR Missions
Photographic Excorcist trophy
Exorcise a photo of a ghost
As you can see, this is a modest list, with many of the achievements tied to story beats and boss fights. There is also some achievements connected to the game’s VR missions, with one each for playing the first and last level, respectively.
Now, some fans may remember that the first Metal Gear Solid already received achievements on Xbox 360. On PlayStation 3, the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection and Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection would come with download codes for Metal Gear Solid and its VR missions, to be redeemed as original PlayStation One games on the PlayStation Store.
But the Xbox 360 version was necessarily a new port of this game. For this reason, it had its own achievements. You can compare the older achievements and see that there is no overlap between them.
It all points to a choice by Konami to update the game appropriately for new platforms, but without going too far out of budget with additions or enhancements.
Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 will be released on October 24, 2023, on PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, and Windows via Steam.