We’re a little over a week away from the worldwide release of Mortal Kombat 1. Some out there will get the game a bit earlier due to certain privileges, like with review codes, but the majority will get it next week. That means that one must be careful about what they look for on the internet, as people are going to drop all manner of spoilers depending on what they want to spill. Just as bad, people are already leaking elements of the title for gamers to know about. That includes details about the game’s story mode, which has already leaked online in part.
We won’t post the leak to save you from potential spoilers, but Reddit was more than happy to discuss the leak, which in this case was about three hours of the story mode. Others on Reddit noted that others were already posting full videos of the story mode online to YouTube, and many were getting taken down quickly. More than likely, NetherRealm Studios is taking them down so that spoilers don’t come out before the game arrives.
While most fighting game franchises aren’t known for their complex stories, Mortal Kombat 1 is a different story. Indeed, we don’t know about the “quality” of the tale, but we do know it significantly impacts the title and what’s to follow. After all, this isn’t simply “the next chapter in the story.” This is a complete rewriting of the story done by Liu Kang. After obtaining godly powers in the last title, he has reshaped the world in a bid for peace. He has made it so certain characters have more “peaceful” paths or “better” origin stories. Most gamers expect things to go off the rails, but how that happens isn’t clear yet.
We know that some things haven’t gone to plan because of characters like Mileena, who, despite being a true sister to Kitana now, still gets her famous “mouth change” due to a poisoning. We also know that while Scorpion and Sub-Zero are united in a cause and are brothers in the game, one has “greater goals” for their clan, while the other wants to be loyal to Liu Kang. So, as you can see, even the best-laid plans fall prey to human nature.
Either way, if you want to experience the game without spoilers, be mindful of the internet and what you look at before the game releases on the 19th.