We had previously reported on some confusion when it came to Starfield’s review and community codes. Today we have an interesting update on it, that’s all been confirmed.

Tom Henderson of Insider Gaming rebuffed a claim that reviewers wouldn’t get to play Starfield until September 1, saying that review codes would be going out ‘next week’. He made that claim this week, and he turned out to be wrong about it, but in the good way.
Various Xbox community members and reviewers have already confirmed that they received their review codes for Starfield. We’ll run down some of the people who shared the news on Twitter:
Rand Al Thor19 is an Xbox YouTuber who runs a podcast with Windows Central’s Jez Corden called the Xbox Two podcast. Rand Al and Jez have clarified multiple times that they don’t have a direct connection within Xbox, and have often missed out on review codes and other things.
So Rand Al was excited and surprised to reveal that he received review codes himself, as you can see below:
In contrast, OJ from PlayerEssence is officially a Nintendo brand ambassador, but he does play and make videos about video games from all companies and consoles. He also revealed that he received a Starfield review code, and opined that it is receiving too much hate. To be fair, that is a strange situation for a game that didn’t get officially released yet.
Gene Park, who writes and reports about video games for the Washington Post, briefly revealed that he, too, has a review code. Gene also clarified that he has the Xbox version, and is looking forward to testing the game on the Xbox Series S.
Finally, Gamertag Radio and Kinda Funny Xcast hope Parris Lilly confirmed that he received a copy of Starfield, and in fact he got it a few hours ago. Another account named HaveYouSeen amusingly pointed out he hadn’t tweeted in nearly a day after revealing it.
Musician Post Malone did not confirm he got an advance code for Starfield. In fact, he is currently on tour. However, as covered by Comic Book, he is more than excited to play the game himself.
A fan asked Malone about it, and recorded his answer on video. As it turns out, Malone had a ‘nice little rig’ prepared for him so that he could start playing Starfield while he is on his current tour.
So it isn’t just you and me and Xbox’s loyal fans who can’t wait to play Starfield. Don’t be surprised if even more celebrities emerge to confirm they’re huge Bethesda fans in the new few days too.