A new report revealed that developers are not fond of balancing the enemies in this game along with their explanation.
Original Story…
This week we have the release of another horror-based multiplayer game into the marketplace. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is nearing its launch, and while it might have some fans eager to dive into it, others could be a bit concerned. This is from Gun Interactive, which had a previously well-received horror multiplayer game. If you recall, they were involved with the launch of Friday the 13th: The Game. A title that came out back in 2017 and had a similar gameplay setup. You had the obvious main antagonist to deal with while other players took the role of survivors. It was a hit, and things were looking great for the future of this video game. However, it wasn’t long after that the game was forced to shut its servers down.
This was due to some licensing issues that came up, and that might have some wondering if The Texas Chain Saw Massacre will suffer the same fate. Fortunately, that won’t be the case, as Gun Interactive’s creative director, Ronnie Hobbs, spoke with PCGamesN. During their conversation, it was noted that things were complicated when it came to Friday the 13th, and we don’t seem to get much more than that from Gun Interactive. However, don’t expect the same fate for their upcoming title. According to Ronnie, the team behind the game has been working closely with the owner of this iconic horror franchise IP, Kim Henkel.
The situation surrounding Friday the 13th was inherently more complicated than it is with Texas. With Texas, we are dealing directly with Kim Henkel, the sole owner of the IP. We’ve been working closely with him during the entire process not only from a creative standpoint, but also a legal one. We have been as diligent as possible during this entire experience to ensure things go smoothly.
Ronnie Hobbs – PCGamesN
The experience seems to be a solid one, with Kim offering some insight as they turned the iconic horror IP into a multiplayer gameplay experience. In fact, it’s noted from the conversation with Ronnie that there were multiple IPs being considered after Friday the 13th: The Game before the team settled on The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Since the teams have been going through production with ease, it seems that this game will have a far greater lifespan than the predecessor from Gun Interactive.
Again, if you haven’t been keeping tabs on this game, it’s based on the iconic horror franchise. Here players will be split into two teams. One team will consist of the family, whether that’s Leatherface, the cook, or the hitchhiker. Meanwhile, the other team will consist of survivors. It’s the goal of the survivors to find a means of escape while the opposing team tries to hunt them down. Currently, the game is set to launch on August 18, 2023. When this title does release into the marketplace, you’ll find it available for the PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S platforms. In the meantime, you can check out a trailer for the game in the video we have embedded below.