Yet another rumour concerning where DICE are going with their next DLC expansion for Battlefield 3 – expect it to be wrong. According to Youtube user TheAustrianToast, or rather to his sources (who aren't named), there is going to be an All American DLC set in and around major cities in the USA. New York City, Miami, New Jersey and LA were the cities he specifically named, I'm a little disappointed that there isn't Vegas.
Of course, this is early days and the All American pack needs to compete with both 2143 rumours AND the snow pack rumours, both of which the community have gotten excited about and then moved on from. TheAustrianToast claims this DLC will be on its way Summer, but whether this rumour is true, half-true or downright fabricated is anybody's guess.
Back to Karkland seemed to be a fairly well-received pack, although the maps were all reimaginings of previously released maps. DICE have since said they more enjoy making expansions – including weapons, new vehicles and achievements, as well as maps – so that gives us some indication as to what to expect in the future.