If you’re a fan of the Star Wars franchise, then you might understand that there is a dark underbelly in the galaxy. Most might instantly think of the Jedi and Sith as being the focal point. But those that are not Force-sensitive have other areas to worry about. We know that there are a few criminal syndicates that thrive in this galaxy, with the Hutt Clan being one of the more notoriously known. However, if you dig deeper into the franchise, you might come across other notable crime syndicates citizens are fighting back against or aligning with. You’ll find that these criminal syndicates will play a big role in Star Wars Outlaws.
Within Star Wars Outlaws, we’re getting tossed into the role of Kay Vess. Kay is another scoundrel seeking to pull one of the biggest heists the Outer Rim has ever seen. Of course, being a scoundrel herself, Kay will be interacting with her kind. Criminal syndicates were one of the key components the development team at Massive Entertainment considered when creating locations and planets for the game. Speaking with IGN, the creative director behind Star Wars Outlaws, Julian Gerighty, spoke about the syndicates and reputation system.
The reputation system is you as Kay building positive or negative reputations with the different criminal Syndicates. The better reputation you have, the better jobs you’ll get, the better prices you’ll get in their stores. You’ll get more access to their faction territories. But if that relationship goes sour, they’re going to send people after you. It’s all about playing the Syndicates off one another, making choices, dilemmas in terms of how you hand in a quest, that type of thing.
Julian Gerighty – IGN
According to Julian’s comments, it looks like Kay will have a reputation system in which she can build up or break down with the different syndicates. With this system, players will find that Kay can get better prices in stores and more access to various faction territories. This also comes with better jobs, so keeping the syndicates happy may benefit you. However, if you fail to appease the syndicates and get on their bad side by lowering your reputation with them, then you’ll find that they will send enemies after you.
So knowing what choices to make and how to best play the syndicates off each other might be the play here when it comes to keeping Kay out of the crosshairs and still getting some decent jobs out of the mess. Of course, not only are you worrying about the reputation system of the syndicates, but you’ll also have to keep mindful of the ever-growing presence of the Empire.
Currently, Star Wars Outlaws is set to launch in 2024. When the video game does release, you’ll find it available for the PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S platforms. Fortunately, we also know the developers strive to provide an authentic experience for fans of the franchise.