When it comes to Street Fighter 6, plenty of things have led to it being anticipated by fans. The biggest thing is that they want nothing like what they got with the 5th entry. Capcom did gamers wrong by making a “bare bones” approach to the title and making minimal effort with things like the story mode by making that an update that came after launch, not to mention how they handled the roster. However, the team learned from their mistakes and ensured that the new game would be better. Today, at the PlayStation Showcase, they highlighted that via a new look at the Story Mode.
In the trailer, we see the “Legends” of the game meeting the player character you create. That’s a key difference between Street Fighter 6 and past titles in that you’ll be able to make whoever you want and then learn from the best in the game so you can create a fighting style that fits you. So whether you’re learning from Ryu, Cammie, Guile, Chun-Li, Dhalsim, E. Honda, or any of the new characters like Dee Jay and more, you’ll have plenty to choose from.
But they’ll also be tying into past lore as they mention M. Bison and talk about how your character will help save the day alongside the other Street Fighters. Check out the trailer below to see who shows up and how things are going to go:
Regarding the gameplay, Capcom has been going above and beyond to note how much depth there is in the title. For example, they’ve recently been doing overview trailers for some of the characters to highlight what they can do and how you should use them in a fight.
They’ll likely keep releasing them until the game’s release on June 2nd, so stay tuned for your favorite character to get their spotlight.
As for the gameplay, the title will allow for players of all experience levels to dive in and have fun. If you’re a fan of the classic controls, you’ll have it easy as you retread on old ground. Or, if you’re hoping for something a bit more simplified, there are multiple control options for you to use to ease into the game. There’s even a “button mashing” mode for you to use if you just want to fight without having any pressure put on you.
So between the story mode, control scheme, online modes, etc., Street Fighter 6 will have plenty to offer gamers.