The Resident Evil franchise is adding a new game installment to the mix later this month. Despite being just a little over a week away now, some fans were still waiting on the skins for Ashley in the game’s Deluxe Edition. This skin is also available for the Collector’s Edition of the Resident Evil 4 remake. But today, we finally have the grand reveal to see what costumes Ashley could change into during the game. Check out those images in the tweet we have embedded below.
Capcom is no stranger to adding costume designs and unique skins for various characters in the Resident Evil franchise. With the Resident Evil 4 remake, we have a couple of costume changes available for both Leon Kennedy and Ashley Graham. However, with Ashely’s costumes or skins, it’s been a hidden secret until now. It looks like Capcom has finally unveiled the skins online; in which you can view the screen grabs of the costumes in the tweet below. Thanks to Resident Evil Central, we look at the new costume designs for Ashley Graham that are locked behind the Deluxe Edition and the Collector’s Edition of the Resident Evil 4 remake again.
It’s a romantic costume along with a casual look for the character. While these designs might not be for everyone, you can still enjoy the game with the default looks for both characters throughout the campaign. At the very least, those who made the jump at purchasing either of these two editions will now have a heads-up look into the character skin options before the game finally arrives in the marketplace next week. With that said, if you haven’t already done so, there is a demo available for Resident Evil 4, which gives players a small look into the opening section of the gameplay.
Essentially you’ll follow Leon as he first encounters the villagers in his search for Ashley Graham. For those of you who might not be as well tuned into the game installment, Resident Evil 4 follows Resident Evil 2 protagonist Leon Kennedy. Now a federal agent, Leon is tasked with finding the kidnapped president of the United States daughter, Ashley Graham. Taken to a secluded village, Leon quickly finds that a new virus has spread throughout the area making his job of tracking and keeping Ashely safe all the more difficult.
Resident Evil 4 is set to release on March 24, 2023. When the game does hit the marketplace, you’ll find it available for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC platforms.