The movement against SOPA and PIPA may have started as a snowball, but it’s quickly becoming an avalanche thanks to the efforts of the popular internet community, Reddit.
Good Old Games, better known as, has joined in public opposition to both SOPA and PIPA in a declaration made on their official website., which is a Polish company, would be a prime target for legislation like SOPA, which was designed to (negatively) impact foreign-based websites and businesses in favor of MPAA and RIAA-affiliated entities.
The company wrote a brief explanation of SOPA’s impact, stating that the legislation would by and large only have an affect on honest customers rather than pirates.
“ is opposed to piracy and copyright infringement, but we know that there are good way to try and reduce piracy and bad ones. will always oppose anti-piracy methods that threaten user privacy and freedom. We will always stay DRM-free and apply ‘same game-same price’ policy. We will always put trust in our users as the best method of fighting piracy.
SOPA is not the way to fix the problem of piracy. If you agree with us, don’t just send a tweet or shake your head in anger. Do something. Contact your congressperson or representative and tell them in no uncertain terms that you oppose this bill. There’s a chance that SOPA won’t be as bad as organizations like the EFF and Wikimedia foundations say it is, but you only have one chance to stop this before it happens.”