The Humble Indie Bundle is a great idea, not only for charity, but also for indie devs. Could a Humble Store be on the way? Probably.
The folks over at Indie Game Mag have done a lot of snooping, and there’s a lot of evidence that points to a Humble Store for indie games coming soon. For example, type “” into your URL bar and add the name of the game you want to the end. Indie Game Mag used the game Overgrowth as an example, and sure enough, it was there for $29.95.
On a little more research, they found themselves not only making a game purchase, but finding themselves at a beta download page. You could either download the game via a direct link or torrent, which is a sure sign that this is something run entirely by the Humble guys and has nothing to do with Steam.
Of course, despite all evidence pointing to ‘yes’ on this one, Humble are yet to confirm, so it’s stilla rumor. But an indie store for indie games? Sounds like a damn good idea to me.