You likely are already fully aware of the Epic Games Store by now. The digital marketplace stepped in and really offered some competition against the likes of Valve’s Steam marketplace. One of the ways the company has swayed consumers onto its digital marketplace platform is by providing players with free games. Each week Epic Games Store offers a free game or two. All players have to do is make a free account on the Epic Games Store and claim their free copy.
From there, the games you claim are yours to keep. You can install them when you like and enjoy them at your leisure. These titles are also quite varied. One week we might get an indie hit, and then the next, we’ll have a major AAA release. Regardless, it’s an incentive that worked, and quite a few gamers take to the Epic Games Store weekly to get a free video game title to enjoy. With the holidays upon us, Epic Games Store is looking to ramp up the gift-giving trend. Similar to before, it seems like we’re going back to receive a free mystery game daily.
So while before we would have an entire week to claim the free game being offered, Epic Games Store is only giving players a single day. You have to log into your account, claim your free game, and wait for the next title to take place that day. To add to the anticipation for these games, Epic Games Store is making these titles a complete mystery. Again, prior to this week, Epic Games Store typically advertised the games ahead of time, so you knew exactly what the Epic Games Store free game title would be.
Today, the free game being offered is Bloons TD6. That game is free to grab right now and add to your Epic Games Store account. However, tomorrow that game will be replaced by another mystery title. We’ll have to wait and see just what new game we can add to our Epic Games Store library. But this should help fill your libraries up with new video games to play during your holiday breaks.
In other related news to the Epic Games Store, the company recently unveiled that they are removing several games from online access in 2023. You can see the entire breakdown of which games will lose online support here. But fortunately, it does look like most of them will still be accessible to play offline.