Deep Silver’s long-awaited zombie sequel — Dead Island 2 is finally set for a release date in April. With plenty of delays and a ton of buzz surrounding the sequel, it seems like the developers have committed to this release date, and hopefully, the community can finally get to see all the beautiful gore-smashing beauty the devs created.
The latest trailer, titled Dead Island 2: Welcome to Hell-A brings new insight into the gameplay mechanics and world of the upcoming sequel. We see various types of zombie architypes; big brutes, gore-filled zombies half surviving, screamers, and your typical run of the mill zombie. All these types of enemies will interact with you differently and certain weapons might be better suited for certain zombies.
With Dead Island 2 taking place in LA, California it allows the developers to explore the iconic landmarks. Players will see the santa monica beach, beverly hills, and many more. This seems to be a perfect location for a zombie outbreak to happen as the player will be treated not only with gorgeous vistas and landscapes to explore, but a ton of weapon variety. The trailer goes into detail that there will be plenty of guns, handheld weapons, and DIY’s for you to find. With the game slowly creeping up on its release date, fans of the series should start getting excited now!
Check out the brand new Dead Island 2: Welcome to Hell-A trailer down below:
Details are still just a bit scarce on the narrative. We know that the virus has overtaken the city, and now you have undead hordes roaming the streets. You’ll have to carefully maneuver around the city of angels in hopes of avoiding becoming another meal for these zombies. However, it does appear that our protagonists in this game are also infected, but just how well they will resist the virus from mutating and overtaking the body remains to be seen.
What awaits you in this city that’s not an undead infected is a mystery right now. Although, it does look like the development team took quite a bit of time to craft up a city filled with interesting locations to visit. So as you wander down the streets and storefronts, it might be worth your while taking in the views, environmental stories, and potential gear to make your survival just a bit easier. Learn more about the story for Dead Island 2 right here!
Dead Island 2 is set to release on April April 28, 2023 on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Are you excited about the upcoming sequel? Let us know in the comments below!