Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion is the next step in completing the story of Cloud Strife and his allies in modern form. By that, we mean the “modern remake” form. After the massive success of the first remake, Square Enix didn’t waste time going to the next parts of the story and ensuring they got done. With the prequel, which was initially on the PSP, they had to do things a little differently, though. They weren’t doing the “full remake” treatment. Plus, they were bringing it to other systems, which would be a further challenge. However, many are still excited about the game, which should make them even more pumped today.
Why? Today marks one week before the game comes out. To celebrate that, IGN released a 15-minute video showcasing the beginning of the game. In it, we see Zach Fair, the Soldier who was best friends with Cloud Strife and is forever linked to his destiny. Throughout the video, we see him interacting with other characters, going into battles, fighting bosses, and seeing how the tutorials work within the game. If you were curious to see how similar or different the game would be both from the PSP title and the previous remake by Square Enix, the video is a good chance to make comparisons.
Based on what we see, you can tell that the team worked hard to make the game look as good as possible. Square Enix has been careful not to say it’s a “full remake” and even did an interview about why it’s not. Simply put, they didn’t take the route of the previous remake by rebuilding everything from the ground up. Instead, they took what they had from the PSP game and improved the models from there. Added more “bones” to them, and so on. The other reason they didn’t say it was a full remake was that they made it so multiple systems could play it, not just the PlayStation consoles.
Even still, many have said that the game looks like a remake, and the early reviews for the title praise the game for many aspects.
Whether Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion lives up to the legacy of the previous remake remains to be seen. But if nothing else, this will give gamers worldwide a chance to play a title that not many got to before because of its PSP status, which is something to be grateful for.
Source: YouTube