When we say Game Freak, it’s possible that you’d immediately shout out, “That’s the Pokemon team!” You would be right, of course. The people at the developer are the ones who have made the vast majority of titles within the RPG franchise. They are the developers of every mainline game in the Pokemon line, including the recent Gen 9 titles, and worked on many spinoffs for the series. However, to say that’s the only thing they have done would be a lie, as they’ve made other titles too. You might recall one of them being on the Nintendo Switch via Little Town Hero.
Another title they did came out during the Nintendo 3DS era via Pocket Card Jockey. The gameplay was simple as it mixed horse races with a specific card game. As you raced via the jockey, you would try to clear cards from your hand. The more cards you got rid of, the better the jockey would do. It was unique, and it did get a worldwide release. It’s ok if you don’t remember it. The title is getting remembered now because Game Freak filed a trademark last week that would indicate they’re going to make a sequel to the title.
It also could be that they’ll port the original 3DS title to the Switch. Given the Switch’s history with ports from past systems, that is very much in the realm of possibility. If anything, this would follow the “pattern” that the dev has shown in the past. Many video game devs will try to “outdo themselves” with every IP they do. Look at FromSoftware, Insomniac, or Bethesda as examples of this. They could do something smaller if they wanted, but instead, they keep trying to get bigger.
Game Freak is the opposite of that. When they’re not making the Poke-titles, they do small games that almost have an indie feel. Perhaps they do that because they want to simply have fun making a unique game versus trying to come up with the next “AAA masterpiece.”
The other side of this coin is that after working on the last two mainline titles for the pocket monsters line, they might need a break. That goes double when considering the backlash that Gen 9 got on release due to its unrefined state. Of course, many fans don’t blame the dev team for this, as The Pokemon Company decided to let the games release like that. But the backlash is still there.
Source: Twitter