Overwatch 2’s launch woes, and its post-launch woes, should be well known to you by now. Blizzard took a big gamble with the game by not only doing a direct sequel but by switching servers, drastically altering the gameplay in some ways, and more. Arguably, some of the biggest backlashes the game got were the more minor changes that either altered how people progressed or whether they could play the game at all. For example, if you don’t know, one of the new requirements for the game was having a phone number. One you’d have to register to play the title, even though it’s a free-to-play game.
That sucked for many people because they didn’t have a phone for one reason or another. Even people with prepaid phone plans couldn’t get in because the title didn’t support it. Gamers raised a big stink on the issue, and while it took some time, Blizzard has partially fixed the problem. In the latest patch for the game, the prepaid phone issue has now been reversed. If you have a prepaid phone plan, you can use it to play the game. That obviously means that you still need a phone number to play the game, which many still won’t be happy about, but it’s progress.
The patch notes also reaffirmed that changes to the Battle Pass progression would happen when Season 2 of the game arrives in December. They said previously that they wanted gamers to feel “rewarded” for sitting down and playing the game. That is a nice sentiment, but the game’s issues run deeper than that.
Other noted fixes/additions in the new patch include more precise queue times to get specific roles into matches faster. The queue lines for Overwatch 2 have easily been one of the most hated things about the title. Even now, the lines are long, and Blizzard had to address how people aren’t willing to play support roles, and they will adjust for that.
Genji, Sombra, D.Va, Zarya, and Kiriko all had balances put to them through the patch. So if you haven’t checked the full notes, you’ll want to see how your favorite character stacks up.
Blizzard is attempting to fix the broken game they launched, but it has been slow going. Fans are eager to get the game back to the quality it had in its original form and not deal with these issues. However, how long it’ll take to get to that point is unknown.
Source: GoNintendo