Overwatch is a game that means a lot to many gamers and the dev team at Blizzard. The reason was that the game helped push Blizzard into a new era. One that would lead them to create an entire eSports league based on the title and get comics made to tell the lore, loads of cosplay representation, action figures, and more. The game was a hit in every sense of the word. But the reveal of a sequel did feel inevitable. The twist was that it would come fully at the cost of the original game’s servers, which are slowly shutting down as we speak and will shut down by October 3rd.
The shutdown is to clear the way for the launch of the Overwatch 2 servers, which will be going online a short while after the original servers go dark. As a result, Blizzard is asking fans to relive some of their favorite moments online. You can do this by posting about them with a special hashtag on Twitter:
You’ll see all sorts of stories from the game, and that’s nice to hear, as we can always use more positive stories in the gaming space. The catch here is that while Blizzard is saying that everything is “happy go lucky” and that they’ll “see players on the other side,” many wonder if the new game they’ll get is worth it.
On the one hand, those who purchased the original game and then played the sequel will get some goodies. Including getting to keep all the skins, they acquired as they played the original title. But, on the other hand, you’ll also see that the sequel has everything from the first game, with some tweaks and redos and downsizing in certain areas. So if you have played Overwatch for a long time, you’ll feel at home.
But, longtime players state they’re not happy with some of the changes that Blizzard is making for the sequel so they can “Make It Better.” For example, the character of Mei is losing a critical ice ability despite that power being tied directly to the character.
Second, while the free-to-play model is welcome, it comes at a cost because you’ll have to choose between grinding to get all the heroes or paying for the premium battle pass to get everything unlocked right off the bat. The first title cost money, but everything was available from the get-go, so this shift is rubbing many the wrong way.
Add to that; they are doing away with the level system, going from 6v6 to 5v5 gameplay, and more. Many think Blizzard should pull from Rocket League, keep the base game, and then update it infinitely.
Source: Twitter