When Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot was announced, it was shown to be a game that would help relive key parts of Dragon Ball history from an RPG standpoint. Past games usually attempted to do the same through a 2D/3D fighting game style, and while that was fun, it didn’t always feel like you were a part of the show itself. This game, though, would add an extra flair to the Dragon Ball world as players grow through their experiences, following one plot and enjoying a more in-depth experience. Today, a new trailer arrived for the Season 2 DLC for the game, revealing a new arrival that will change everything: Bardock.
Bardock is the father of Goku, the true father of Goku. He was a low-class Saiyan warrior from the planet Vegeta and he did everything he could to follow his Saiyan pride as much as he did the orders of the Frieza Force, of whom the Saiyans were enlisted to serve. But it was also Bardock who realized that things weren’t exactly kosher between the warrior race and the boss Frieza, taking matters into his own hands. It was Bardock who sent Goku away from the planet before its destruction, saving his life by sending him to Earth and ensuring that he would be able to live long enough to allow the Saiyan race to get revenge.
Bardock died trying to stop Frieza from destroying the planet, and ever since then, the manga and anime have tried to flesh out Bardock when they can in order to give more insight into who Goku is. Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot’s DLC, Bardock Alone Against Fate, will see a time before the destruction of the planet Vegeta when Bardock is on one of his missions. However, given the name Alone Against Fate, it would imply that we’re going to see the events of things through his eyes just before his death. Because he alone sees what likely is going to happen, and won’t let his family line be destroyed as a result.
No doubt diehard fans will be more than happy to play as the father of Goku and to see where this story leads. In the manga recently, it was shown that Bardock was actually a bit more noble than people realized, something that was passed down to Goku in its own way. So seeing how deep this new DLC goes to showcase who Bardock really was besides a Saiyan warrior will be a treat.
The trailer also noted at the end that the game will be getting two more pieces of DLC for Season 2. It also announced that the PS5 would be receiving a port of the game along with the Xbox Series X next year.
Source: Twitter