A plenty of PS3 and a few Xbox 360 gamers are reporting bugs in Need for Speed: Shift, videogameszone a dutch gaming website is reporting “When you reach a certain amount of points you get invited to special races, one of them being Ford Gt vs Viper. The problem is: The Viper won’t drive. The weels will turn, but not spin.” Mostly PS3 gamers seem to be affected by this bug, but also the number of notifications from Xbox 360 Group on this error, is steadily increasing.

Another game review website is reporting something very strange happening on the Xbox 360 version, the game crashes while accessing the PSN store, “Yes” the PSN store in the Xbox 360 version. “EA’s new Need for Speed Shift is the most bug-ridden piece of code I have witnessed in recent times. But when the Xbox 360 version seemed to want to access the Playstation Store today, things had clearly gone too far.” said enigmax, a reviewer on FreakBits.com
We hope all these complains are not falling on deaf ears and EA are hard at work on a patch to fix these issues. Use the comments box below to share, if you are facing new or similar issues with the game.