While the cartoon space is definitely where the franchise has dominated over the years, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have had more than their fair share of great video game titles. In fact, in the age of the Beat’Em Up genre, they all but dominated it. Plus, they had some good platformer titles as well. The point here is that they’ve been a staple of the video game industry for a long time, and in 2022, they had a resurgence via the Cowabunga Collection which collected all their old games into one title. Plus, we got the incredibly fun Shredder’s Revenge game, a title that harkened back to simpler times and was a total blast.
But now, rumors are flying via a magazine posting that says that Nickelodeon, who currently owns the right to the brand alongside Paramount, will be releasing a “AAA Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” title in 2023. Now, that alone isn’t enough to make a set of guesses on what the game could be like. However, certain other details seem to indicate that this won’t be a side-scrolling beat’em up like other titles and that it likely won’t be a direct reference to the cartoons of the past.
Given that this is coming out next year, it’s possible that it’ll be a tie-in game to the new movie that is being made by none other than Seth Rogen. We have many feelings about that combination given what happened with his adaptation of The Green Hornet, but for now, we’ll ignore those.
There is honestly a lot of true potential for a AAA TMNT title that hasn’t been tapped as of yet, mainly because the technology and willingness to go full force haven’t been up to snuff until now. A recent mod for the Spider-Man Remastered title showed a skin where you could actually play as one of the TMNT instead of Spidey, and that got a lot of fans excited.
What if we got a truly open-world TMNT title where you could roam the above and below of New York City? Doesn’t that sound like a lot of fun? That would also show why it’s a “AAA game” and not just another title in the franchise’s run. Think about the potential that this game could have. It could even have a Gotham Knights feel where you can pick and choose which of the four turtle brothers you can go out on the town with, or what missions to go and do. Plus, the co-op element is obviously there with 4 players using all four brothers in a team setting!
The game practically writes itself. Whether we get this or not is unclear, but something does seem to be rising from the sewer.
Source: The Gamer