For video games, reviews from critics matter. Unlike with movies or TV shows, most video game critics are gamers themselves. They’re the ones in the trenches blasting away for hours on end to try and get the most out of each game to see if it’s worth the average player’s time. Saints Row recently reached a point in the franchise in which the devs felt that it was important to give fans something fresh to experience. They did that, but if early reviews are to be believed, the team didn’t go about it the right way.
As you can see in the tweet below, the embargo on reviews for the Saints Row reboot has lifted, and the scores aren’t as high as many would have expected. The game’s Metacritic score is currently hovering around 67, which on a scale of 100 is quite poor.
Some reviews noted that while the game does have a 20-mission-ish campaign, the stakes and the impact of it don’t really hit gamers until near the end. There’s apparently an unearned ending as well, making things feel a bit hollow. Your crew is also not fleshed out the way the original Third Streets Saints were–odd, considering they were a key factor in trailers and breakdowns of the game.
Graphics and combat were also aspects many critics noticed. Though the game looks stylish in trailers, once you dive into the game, the models don’t hold up and the world and character models sometimes pop in and out despite being on next-gen systems. Gun combat didn’t feel satisfying for many, though they praised the explosions for their very over-the-top nature.
Arguably the best part of the game in many critics’ minds was the variety of missions available. True to the Saints Row style of play, you can do a lot of crazy stuff in this game, and when the title leans into that, it can get really fun. Apparently, it just doesn’t do that as much as it should.
Does this mean you shouldn’t pick up this new Saints Row title? Not exactly. While many reviews paint the game in a poor light, some do give it decent or high scores. If you’re curious about the game, try it out. Maybe just wait for it to go on sale or get a sizeable patch.
Source: Twitter