The newest installment in the Predator franchise, Prey, is on its way to viewers. The upcoming film will star Amber Midthunder as the young Comanche warrior, Naru, on her quest to prove herself to her tribe. Unfortunately for everyone, they have a visitor from outer space, and it’s ready to see what they can do. The trailer for this movie looks amazing, but Dan Trachtenberg, the director, had a very different vision for the big reveal. He imagined that the trailer would be a little more cryptic starting out. Read his description of how he wanted to keep the Predator reveal a secret below:
“Certainly, the thing that would have been exciting, that was in the initial pitch for the movie, was that the first trailer would not have a title. You would see the set up of Naru, what she’s experiencing in her tribe, and her setting off to prove herself. When she goes off into the woods, there was a fire in the sky, and that would be it. Then, closer to the release of the movie, we’d see a fuller trailer that would include the bear going after her and then being lifted up by the Predator. That would have been the announcement of what this movie was.”
Dan Trachtenberg, Director
It’s interesting to think how much of the buzz for the new movie is based off of the existing fan base for the franchise and how much of it is from new viewers who enjoyed the trailer. Many believe that the Predator franchise has become less popular, but the buzz around Prey seems to disagree. This could be in part because there appears to be an actual story here: a young woman out to prove herself, first to her tribe and then to the most notorious warrior hunter in the galaxy. That kind of heart has been lacking in some of the previous movies.
Check out the movie August 5, 2022, streaming on Hulu.